Dr. Dave Bradley

Dave Bradley joined IBM in Boca Raton as Senior Associate Engineer in June 1975, after receiving a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. Dave spent his first years working on small systems — Series/1 and then System/23 DataMaster.
In September, 1980, Dave became one of the “original 12” engineers working on the IBM Personal Computer, responsible for the ROM BIOS code. He continued to work on Personal Computer systems including the PC XT, the PS/2 Model 30 and the 486/25 Power Platform and the PS/2 Models 90 and 95.
Dave is best known as the inventor of the infamous three-key sequence, Ctl-Alt-Del. He finished his IBM career in the eServer xSeries Architecture and Technology department, working on advanced technology projects for the xSeries servers. Dave was one of the original members of the IBM Academy of Technology when it was formed in 1989 and has served for a total of 5 years on its Technology Council, the governing body of the group. He was Vice President, Americas for a two year term.
Dave was also an adjunct professor of Electrical Engineering at Florida Atlantic University and later North Carolina State University, teaching classes on the computer architecture. He is the author of two books on personal computers and holds ten patents related to personal computers.