Raichelle Aniceto

Raichelle Aniceto is a Doctoral Candidate in Space Systems Engineering in the MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. She completed her Bachelor of Science (2016) and Master of Science (2017) Degrees in Aerospace Engineering at MIT.
She is a member of the MIT Space Telecommunications, Astronomy, and Radiation Laboratory (STAR Lab), led by Dr. Kerri Cahoy. Her research is focused on optical (laser) communications, space radiation, and satellite engineering. Her Ph.D. research on the development of optical communications systems is sponsored by Facebook Connectivity Lab.
Raichelle has a range of experience in Aerospace industry. She has experience with payload mechanical design of communications satellites at Boeing and Orbital ATK, and experience with RF communications link budget analyses at OneWeb. She has experience testing and working with optical communications systems at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Facebook Connectivity Lab.
As an advocate for women in STEM, Raichelle founded MIT Women in Aerospace Engineering (WAE) and currently serves as a co-president for MIT Graduate Women in Aerospace Engineering (GWAE). Her goals are to empower women to pursue aerospace engineering and to develop communications technology which can provide Internet access to impoverished countries.